Saturday, 3 November 2012

Sebiru Hari Ini

Talks about true friendship, disliked it at first but when i heard the lyrics more clearly i felt like the song was about me and my friends..

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Tips On: Facing An Examination

Assalamualaikum to everyone, i am back with some news of my daily life....

9th October 2012......One of the biggest exams plus another exam i will take before entering the real world..It is like a small test from Allah s.w.t...but a big one to humans, such as me.
Preparing for exams will always make me nervous...even though i think i am prepared for it, Inshaallah....Each exam that you take will show who you really shows how you manage your do you study at home.  Just like the meaning of 'Being yourself is better than acting as someone else'..Being yourself does not mean being you true self (bad self/normal self), it means being a good and better person for the benefit of yourself and doing this you will succeed in anything you do successfully, Inshaallah...

Tips : 

Firstly, To succeed you should put an effort in preparing for the exam, otherwise there is no hope for you to success if you are just gonna sit around and play games and what-sow-ever, doing such things wont help at all in facing exams.
Secondly, you should pray to Allah s.w.t and ask Him for forgiveness and ask Him to let you succeed here and the afterlife....Allah s.w.t love those who ask anything from Him....The more you ask in you do'a, The more He is pleased.
Later, when you have taken the exam you should still keep on praying to Allah s.w.t in letting you pass the exam...

This is a reminder to me and all those people who are taking important exams....Anything that i wrote wrongly is from me, and the right stuff is from Allah s.w.t.

My small request.

To all those who are reading this, i hope you could pray for me to give me the strength in facing te exam as i need all the hope i could get in facing this exam, I can never repay you but Allah s.w.t can repay you with the gifts He gives to you for your good deeds....and i hope i can be prepared to face other exams in the future, Inshaallah. All help is kindly appreciated.Thank you... Goodbye, until next time...Assalamualaikum...

Friday, 28 September 2012

The Sacrifices of A Mother

i was a foolish little child, with the things i used to do, and all the pain i put you through, and now i'm here for you
For all the times i made you cry, the days i told you lies, now its time for you to rise, for the things you sacrificed....
If  i could, turn back time, rewind, if i could, pick it on it, then i would make it up to you.
My mom, I'm grown up now, its a brand new day, i'd like to put a smile on your face every day...
My mom, i'm grown up now, its not too late, i'd like to put a smile on your face every day...
Now i finally understand.....

(taken from Lyric Maher Zain Number One For Me)

The song reminded of me when i was a naughty little kid, not listening to my mothers advice........Now i know, what n' why my mother taught me stuff that other people didn't......I love You Mother.....and I hope everyone else does... :D


Doing Your Best N' Achieving The Best in facing the "Exams" from Allah s.w.t

Achieving the best and Doing your best is two REALLY different meanings....Doing your best means trying hard in in getting your goals, but it does not matter if you fail or not because there will always be a reason in Allah s.w.t doings...Meanwhile Achieving the best means trying to achieve your goals no matter what....

There are reasons why Allah s.w.t gave us "exams"....and that is to strengthen our faith in Him (Allah s.w.t), Allah s.w.t gave us these tests...and each test is different from one another based on the ability and strength in each person, because he knows what His servants can and cannot do in these tests....

We as a muslim, as a mukmin and as a part of Islam itself have to have alot of strength to face the tests in this world and afterlife.....there are tests everywhere....we cannot run from it, only face it with the help of Allah s.w.t.... We have responsibilities to be fulfilled, actions to be made and words of Islam have to be spoken will not be taken down with a strong Faith in Allah s.wt, even in debating about Islam....Islam effects everything....all we need to do is make use of the knowledge...Non-Muslims have the right to know about the Truth In Islam, by showing them and the world that Islam is not just a simple religion but Islam is the most perfect religion ever existed on earth...(From My Point Of View) This is a reminder to me, all muslims and non-muslims...........

If we(muslims) reunite as one...with a strong Faith, i have no doubt that Islam could take over the world once more.....i hope i could live to see the day when Islam took over the world again just like the Uthmaniah Dinasty...Inshaallah..

Been awhile since i last updated.....i am sorry if what i wrote up there was not the right stuff, Please inform and forgive me...the bad stuff i gave are from me...and the good ones are from Allah s.w.t....That is all for today..Assalamualaikum.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

The Sick and Sickly

As Muslims and true Believers we are strongly encouraged to remeber that oppurtunities to do charitable deeds, deeds of righteousness are just so many, unlimited in number and unrestricted by time,

Let us not waste that fountain oppoturnities, golden oppoturnities, let us do of soul-searching and let us summon our resevoirs of immense good feelings,

Just like feeding the poor and needy, a particularly good deed we can do is to visit an elderly, an ailing person, someone very sick and sickly, someone who is sad, lonely and pale, as pale as the white lily,

Let us find space in our lives to visit the sick and sickly and make todaya day of purpose, a day worth living, a day both fair and lovely,

A day to visit someone who is ill, perhaps very ill, for he or she may be in most need of kind words and kind deeds, in need of tender and comforting words, in need of touch so warm and loving,

Let us wish that someone a speedy recovery for there is so much in terms of Allah's love and Mercy if we find time, if we indulge our time, to visit our sick and sickly acquaintances, friends and kinsmen, if we make enquires about their health, thier ailments, if we visit them more often.

Life is not perfect and there is no pic-perfect life for anyone. Sometimes we are well, sometimes we are unwell and there are times when we experience life-threatening illness, times when we have to fight against terminal illnesses, protracted illnesses, rare disorders, rare diseases, such dreadful diseases.

Life is also unpredictable, so uncertain. Death may come stealthily, may come suddenly. For this reason, let usgive something that is uniquely ours to give .Let us bring cheer to the sick, sickly and lonely and let us visit more frequently.

More importantly, we are steering our hearts to the way Allah SWT wants them to be, Only then do wehave the right to appeal to His compassion and great Mercy.Let us take with us gifts od our du'a, Let us visit with no motive except to gain Allah's lavish treasures and favours,endless favours,

For they may feel weak, frail, sick, lonely and distressed, they may feel so alone, so lonely, so much fear unexpressed.An elderly and a sick person abandoned by family and friends, will be broken and crushed, just like the fragile, the delicate wings of a butterfly,if crushed, that butterfly can never fly into the sunshine again, It is barely able to flutter on the warm white sand. It lies on the ground, so still and quiet. Slowly, very slowly, it turns lifeless. Its life is spent.

Sometimes, thos of us who are blessed with good healthcan get inspirationfrom our sick friends, We even envy them for the quality time they have already spent doing so many vrtuous, righteous charitable deeds, For we know that though short is the time,little is the gift of time they have left, they have carved a beautiful life for themselves, maby good deeds they hve accomplished,

They fear less, they regret less, even though they know that for them, and surely for us too, time, precious time, will diminish. Although they are no longer in high spirits and at times they live in fear and uncertainty, neither do they lament or cry out in self-pity nor do they drown themselves in a sea of misery,

As the sun beams in through the windows, we see thier faces lit up with the joy and sweetnessof Iman (Faith), the joy of knowing, deriving strength from knowing, that they tried their best to makeuse of the time that they have had in this world.

So to the sick n' sickly...Get Well Soon....Especially to My Very Special Friend...Assalamualaikum.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Love from Mothers (Guidance) 2

You knew with your gentle reminders i would not be able dispel the darkness, i would be wandering through the dark trees and forests, through the earth, through the spaces of land and sea, in dreadful darkness, total darkness, bearing with me no gift of Alla's  love and guidance.
Now that i am grown up, thrown into a world of of human interaction and has to deal with many unpleasent real-life situations, turbulent situations,

I have learnt that life is not about constantly finding the best solution for there is no qiuck fix to problems, no fast solutions, there are no perfect solutions,

I have learnt thatif we have turst and faith in Allah SWT, there will be less frustration, tension, friction, and less aggression,

Even if we are greif sticken, we willnot sink into depression, deep-sated, severe depression, total depression.

Some feelings cannot be put  ito words, but i try using words, a thousand words, to say how much i love you and it is to you, dear heart, the sunshine of my heart, that i want to express my appreciation and devotion.

With heartfelt emotion i say thank you, mother, for guiding me, leading me, from the profound state of spiritual awarness and growth to spiritual progression, spiritual elevation.

"(He) has made me kind to my mother, and not overbearing or miserable ; So peace be on me the day i was born, the day i die, and the day i shall be  raised up to life (again)"    (Maryam 19:32-33)

Narrated Ibn 'Abbas (r.a), Sa'd bin 'Ubada (r.a) asked Allah's Messenger,(may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him),(for his legal opinion) saying : "My mother died and she had an unfulfilled vow." The Porphet (may peace and blessings froma Allah be upon him) said,"Fulfill it on her behalf."
(Al-bukhari-Hadith No.2761)

The Hadith above gently reminds that it is out obligation, our sacred duty, to take special care of our mothers, to show our loving concern to our Mothers, for it is to them that we owe a large debt of grtitude, our deep gratitude. Even after they have died ther are deeds, righteous, virtuous and heartfelt deeds, which we can do on their behalf to show our filial devotion, sincere love and devotion.

This is a reminder to me and everyone else that Mothers are very precious...without mothers, you would not have been what you are right is really hard to succes on this world and afterlife because Mothers are the very first teachers you meet..Thye teach you everything they know to get you prepared for the real world, afterthat,the rest is up to you  whether you want ot sucess in life or not.
I hope everyone can appreciate their mothers' because once a mother is gone, no one on earth can replace her.

Sorry about making 2 chapters of "Love for Mothers (Guidance)".....i though it was a BIT too long (it IS REALLY long actually)...LOL :D
Hope everyone understands in what i am saying....Assalamualaikum..

Love from Mothers (Guidance) 1

I was a young child, still growing, still developing,
I walked, i ran and i tripped,

From one brightness to another, from one darkness to another,

And, you wre always there caring for me, embracing me, gently and tenderly embracing me, with all a mother's affection,

In an atmosphere  of love and devotion and never displaying any sign of exhaustion.

You taught me how to make the best of my judgement, how i must not cloud my emotions, how i must make decisions on my own and how i must gain confidence,

You were my source of inspiration and your words of inspiration provided me with strong motivation,

Most of all, you built a strong foundation for my faith and inspired me to learn all about Islam, my religion.

You guided me to the Straight Path, the Path towards Allah SWT, reminded me to establish regular prayers, love and fear for Him, reflect and contemplate upon the greatness of His Creation.

You reminded me not to follow the trail, not to walk among the wrong-doers, among people of disobedience and arrogance, those who were given to oppresion and tangression, but to keep in the company of the good-doers,the true Believers and Worshsippers , the many people out there who turned to Allah in sincere devotion,

You knew my ignorance and my negligancewould have caused me to tossed on the roaring water of the ocean, troubled waters, treacherous waters, hitting the dangerous rocks, would have cuased me to sail in the direction of darkness and desolation,

Saturday, 14 July 2012

The Past

The past is something that nobody can forget.People might say 'leave the past to the past'....but i will always say,'keep the past to yourself and never forget it....learn from it..' Have you thought to yourself  that each second, you are actually leaving something that you will never get back....and at each second, you keep on wasting your time in things that are not meant to be wasted on....Time is precious...Once you waste you time, you will not get it back....Maybe history or the past can rewind but Time will never turn back, it will keep on going and going.....You will feel regretful if you dont manage your time well, but if you use time well enough, you will feel exactly what i have felt...and that is 'satisfied'.You will know by then that It is good to use time than Waste it. :D 

i hope everyone understands about what i am trying to say..."You should use Time before Time leaves you"...LoL, too many "Times"...Thats all for the time being.
Assalamualaikum.... :)

Monday, 2 July 2012

Remember Allah Anytime, Anywhere :D

A Past to remembered

If I’m not there to help you prepare for this next chapter of your life, to help you decide who to spend your life with, to be there to share your joys and sadness, your giggles and your painful tears, know this...

Know that no matter who you find, he is not your Mr. Right; Allah is. HE is the One to depend on. HE is the One who will make everything alright. Allah is and always will be your BF (Best Friend).
When things are good, be grateful to HIM, and when things aren’t so good, cry to HIM.
Know that your success isn’t in being the world to this lady. Your success, your worthiness is from Allah. You are not incomplete without her.

Don’t try to change her in to someone she is not. Don’t nag her to get your way and don’t be afraid to love her. But love moderately. Maintain your own happiness. Don’t become so full of her that you are empty inside. Fill your being with the remembrance of Allah.

Know that you will have ups and downs. That’s normal. And know that when you have downs, it doesn’t equal divorce. Know that if you distance yourself from him(Allah), he may distance himself from you too, so don’t be afraid to be the first to come back.

Remember to make her feel important and appreciated. If you don’t, who else will? Know that if you want the lady of your dreams, become the man of your own dreams first.

Remember you have faults too. Work on them before you correct hers. 

Know that even though you saw your father and I smile and play, and you saw me greet him at the door when he came home (even if I just saw him), that I too had a tear-stained prayer mat. But I stayed. Because I knew you needed me.
Know that I want happiness and love for you. Better than what I had myself. And know that the only way to get it is by sticking to Allah.

That is some of the things my mother said to me after my father divorced her. She wanted me to know that if i want to love someone love her with all your heart, but always remember Allah is the one to be remembered and thanked....

Sad story, Aiyy?...LOL. :D , this time i wrote this to everyone who had and felt the same thing as i felt, that you should appreciate the people that LOVE you and the people that YOU love...if your love is not returned, remember Allah has reasons for that....only you alone know that reason....Stay strong and never give up, Pray to Allah, remember he is always with you..Assalamualaikum..

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Time To Smile :D

Smile...what can you say about smile?..why do you think smile was invented for?...what is the use of smile?..I wonder if any of you actually know why should we smile as much as we can everyday?

Hmmm....well, from my piont of view, SMILING is something that can change a great many things(good things i mean),such as making yourself or others feel better when they are either sad,scared or even nervous in any condition....when you smile at people even when they are happy, you are actually making yourself feel much comfortable even in an awkward moment :D and SMILING is really good for you (from a scientific piont of view) since it makes you face more healthier and cheerful. Always smile at everyone since you will get rewards from Allah s.w.t .....and when you smile to someone or anyone, you are like sharing your happiness with them...

That is all for today, i hope all of you can get benefits from my 'little peice of info', and don't forget to smile always where ever you are, where ever you go :D. When you smile you will know n' feel that you are having a good time n' dooing something good. Always Smile :D

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Once You Make A Mistake, Never Be Afraid To Correct it :D

Have any of you ever thought of , Why mistakes happen in our life?, Why mistakes make you feel bad?, Why mistakes always seems to make you want to do something good or to correct things that you have done wrong??....(Think it over) :D

Well Allah made those things happen to you n' everyone else so that you will feel n' understand "why is this wrong,why is that wrong."..and also you will know "what was the mistake that you've just did." Once you know what you did wrong,you should immediately correct it..Remember, Allah made everything happen with a reason, A Good Reason...So once you make a mistake, dont panic n' start to freak out :D...What i mean is, 1.Pray to Allah, 2.Find out what you did wrong, 3.Correct it n' Try not to repeat it..That is all from today, Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wabarakatuh....Jazakallah ka khair.. :D

Sunday, 24 June 2012

New me

Assalamualaikum, my name is Ammar Muhd Shahmie...15 yrs old n' still growing. I love to read books but i am not a nerd...think thats all about all of those who are reading this..this is my second blog.