Thursday, 19 July 2012

The Sick and Sickly

As Muslims and true Believers we are strongly encouraged to remeber that oppurtunities to do charitable deeds, deeds of righteousness are just so many, unlimited in number and unrestricted by time,

Let us not waste that fountain oppoturnities, golden oppoturnities, let us do of soul-searching and let us summon our resevoirs of immense good feelings,

Just like feeding the poor and needy, a particularly good deed we can do is to visit an elderly, an ailing person, someone very sick and sickly, someone who is sad, lonely and pale, as pale as the white lily,

Let us find space in our lives to visit the sick and sickly and make todaya day of purpose, a day worth living, a day both fair and lovely,

A day to visit someone who is ill, perhaps very ill, for he or she may be in most need of kind words and kind deeds, in need of tender and comforting words, in need of touch so warm and loving,

Let us wish that someone a speedy recovery for there is so much in terms of Allah's love and Mercy if we find time, if we indulge our time, to visit our sick and sickly acquaintances, friends and kinsmen, if we make enquires about their health, thier ailments, if we visit them more often.

Life is not perfect and there is no pic-perfect life for anyone. Sometimes we are well, sometimes we are unwell and there are times when we experience life-threatening illness, times when we have to fight against terminal illnesses, protracted illnesses, rare disorders, rare diseases, such dreadful diseases.

Life is also unpredictable, so uncertain. Death may come stealthily, may come suddenly. For this reason, let usgive something that is uniquely ours to give .Let us bring cheer to the sick, sickly and lonely and let us visit more frequently.

More importantly, we are steering our hearts to the way Allah SWT wants them to be, Only then do wehave the right to appeal to His compassion and great Mercy.Let us take with us gifts od our du'a, Let us visit with no motive except to gain Allah's lavish treasures and favours,endless favours,

For they may feel weak, frail, sick, lonely and distressed, they may feel so alone, so lonely, so much fear unexpressed.An elderly and a sick person abandoned by family and friends, will be broken and crushed, just like the fragile, the delicate wings of a butterfly,if crushed, that butterfly can never fly into the sunshine again, It is barely able to flutter on the warm white sand. It lies on the ground, so still and quiet. Slowly, very slowly, it turns lifeless. Its life is spent.

Sometimes, thos of us who are blessed with good healthcan get inspirationfrom our sick friends, We even envy them for the quality time they have already spent doing so many vrtuous, righteous charitable deeds, For we know that though short is the time,little is the gift of time they have left, they have carved a beautiful life for themselves, maby good deeds they hve accomplished,

They fear less, they regret less, even though they know that for them, and surely for us too, time, precious time, will diminish. Although they are no longer in high spirits and at times they live in fear and uncertainty, neither do they lament or cry out in self-pity nor do they drown themselves in a sea of misery,

As the sun beams in through the windows, we see thier faces lit up with the joy and sweetnessof Iman (Faith), the joy of knowing, deriving strength from knowing, that they tried their best to makeuse of the time that they have had in this world.

So to the sick n' sickly...Get Well Soon....Especially to My Very Special Friend...Assalamualaikum.

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