Friday, 28 September 2012

The Sacrifices of A Mother

i was a foolish little child, with the things i used to do, and all the pain i put you through, and now i'm here for you
For all the times i made you cry, the days i told you lies, now its time for you to rise, for the things you sacrificed....
If  i could, turn back time, rewind, if i could, pick it on it, then i would make it up to you.
My mom, I'm grown up now, its a brand new day, i'd like to put a smile on your face every day...
My mom, i'm grown up now, its not too late, i'd like to put a smile on your face every day...
Now i finally understand.....

(taken from Lyric Maher Zain Number One For Me)

The song reminded of me when i was a naughty little kid, not listening to my mothers advice........Now i know, what n' why my mother taught me stuff that other people didn't......I love You Mother.....and I hope everyone else does... :D


Doing Your Best N' Achieving The Best in facing the "Exams" from Allah s.w.t

Achieving the best and Doing your best is two REALLY different meanings....Doing your best means trying hard in in getting your goals, but it does not matter if you fail or not because there will always be a reason in Allah s.w.t doings...Meanwhile Achieving the best means trying to achieve your goals no matter what....

There are reasons why Allah s.w.t gave us "exams"....and that is to strengthen our faith in Him (Allah s.w.t), Allah s.w.t gave us these tests...and each test is different from one another based on the ability and strength in each person, because he knows what His servants can and cannot do in these tests....

We as a muslim, as a mukmin and as a part of Islam itself have to have alot of strength to face the tests in this world and afterlife.....there are tests everywhere....we cannot run from it, only face it with the help of Allah s.w.t.... We have responsibilities to be fulfilled, actions to be made and words of Islam have to be spoken will not be taken down with a strong Faith in Allah s.wt, even in debating about Islam....Islam effects everything....all we need to do is make use of the knowledge...Non-Muslims have the right to know about the Truth In Islam, by showing them and the world that Islam is not just a simple religion but Islam is the most perfect religion ever existed on earth...(From My Point Of View) This is a reminder to me, all muslims and non-muslims...........

If we(muslims) reunite as one...with a strong Faith, i have no doubt that Islam could take over the world once more.....i hope i could live to see the day when Islam took over the world again just like the Uthmaniah Dinasty...Inshaallah..

Been awhile since i last updated.....i am sorry if what i wrote up there was not the right stuff, Please inform and forgive me...the bad stuff i gave are from me...and the good ones are from Allah s.w.t....That is all for today..Assalamualaikum.